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The GNRB device provides the best precision in regards of knee ACL laxity assessement as it is the only arthrometer (aka. laximeter) able to objectively evaluate knee stability because of the dynamic tests it runs.

While designing this tool, user friendliness was for us one of the major aspects that had to be taken into account. This consequently lead to many parameters and sensors being considered in order to guide the users while running dynamic tests. Thanks to these parameters and sensors, precise test reproducibility is now one of the top attributes the GNRB has to offer among many other.

Further-more, the LDA® Method, which is an integral part of the GNRB, is perhaps what makes this device leader in the field of ACL analysis. The results given after a test are shown under the form of compliance curves (=opposite of the stiffness curves) accompanied by a table chart that generate sensible data to practitionner.

This makes the tests easy-to-understand, to reproduce and it allows an evaluation with accurate figures of ACL laxity & knee stability.

Example of an anterior cruciate ligament assessment using the GNRB


The graph above shows the results obtained after performing tests on both knees of a patient with the GNRB. The graph displays the compliance curves (=opposite of stiffness curves) obtained after applying several forces on the tibia of the patient (anterior tibial translation).

The green curve represents the data collected on the healthy knee while the red curve represents the pathological knee.

This is called "dynamic analysis" because calculation of the displacements of the tibia is done while applying different forces that put the anterior cruciate ligament under stress (from 0 to 200N for example) to enable the drawing of compliance curves (=opposite of stiffness curves). As a result, the bigger the side-to-side differential, the higher the chances of an anterior cruciate ligament tear.

It is thus against this background that Genourob innovated while conceptualizing the GNRB, the first automated tibial translation arthrometer for dynamic assessment of the anterior cruciate ligament.